Step by Step guide to prepare for a home sleep test

Step by Step guide to prepare for a home sleep test

How to prepare for a home sleep test

In order to get optimal results from your home sleep study, it is important to adhere to proper testing instructions. This includes preparing for your home sleep test. As long as proper guidelines are followed, in 2022 the NIH concluded that there is high correlation, of up to 90% accuracy when determining the presence of OSA when compared to the “gold-standard”, polysomnography (in-laboratory) sleep study(2). So how should you prepare for an at-home sleep study? Read our guide below.

1. Is a home sleep study right for you?

First, it is important to determine if a home sleep study will suit your individual needs. If sleep apnea is not your main sleep complaint, an in-lab test should be considered. Furthermore, if a complex history of comorbidities, including lung disease, heart disease, neuromuscular disease, stroke and more are suspected, an in-lab test should be discussed. It is important to note that home sleep tests are becoming more accurate. The WatchPAT ONE can detect the presence of both central and obstructive sleep apnea. More impressively, the WatchPAT is also capable of detecting OSA in the presence of COPD (3). 

If a home sleep test suits your needs, it is important to order your sleep test from a clinic who will support your needs. A reputable clinic will help guide you through the entire process and answer any questions you have surrounding device application, result clarification and follow up care. 

2. Perform your regular daily activities 

With a few exceptions, perform your regular activities throughout the day, including taking any regular medications. If you regularly take a sleep aid, discuss this with your doctor prior to your test. 

In order to achieve optimal results, it is important to avoid any behavior that will alter your natural sleep cycle. The NIH recommends avoiding any sedating substances such as alcohol, marijuana and any sleep aids unless otherwise discussed with your doctor prior to your test (1). It is equally as important to refrain from consuming any stimulants such as caffeine prior to your study, as this will delay your onset of sleep. Taking a nap throughout the day can also delay sleep onset and should be avoided if possible. Likewise, screen time before bed should be limited and no sooner than 30 minutes prior to bedtime. 

3. Minimize sleep disturbance

Once the equipment has been properly applied, all that is left to do is sleep. To increase the chance of an accurate test, wear comfortable sleeping attire and perform your regular bedtime routine. It is important to minimize any potential sleep disturbances. Some testing devices like the WatchPAT ONE, calculate True Sleep Time (TST) in order to improve its accuracy. It accomplishes this by using its proprietary technology to detect the stages of sleep, including wakefulness after sleep onset. Specifically, the WatchPAT One is a one-time test that requires a minimum of 90 minutes of true sleep time. For this reason, we encourage you to avoid any potential stimulation by sleeping alone on the night of your test and turning your phone to silent. 

4. Eliminate User Error

If you are using the WatchPAT ONE or any other device that uses an external application to transmit its data, make sure it is plugged in and within 15 feet of your sleeping position at all times. If you need to go to the bathroom, bring the device with you and remember to plug it in when you get back. Do not get the device wet. If using the WatchPAT device, make sure any electromagnetic interference (EMI) sources are mitigated. These types of devices include additional phones, wifi boosters, smart TV’s, smart blankets, smart plugs, cameras and anything else that could disrupt the signal between your testing device and phone. 

5. Proper equipment application

Prior to your test, your provider should have reviewed what is expected of you. Additionally, make sure to read all instructions carefully and understand how to properly apply and operate the testing equipment. If not operated appropriately, the testing equipment can become a barrier to a successful at-home sleep study. Luckily, at-home sleep tests are designed to be easily applied.  If you have any questions, make sure to ask your provider for clarification. 

The equipment should be secure to your body. Make sure it is not too tight so that it is uncomfortable but also, not too loose so that it shakes around. The WatchPAT probe should be applied to the non-dominant hand and the pinky finger should be considered if the individual has large fingers. Remove bandages, gel nails or anything else on the selected finger. The chest sensor will stick to your skin, but medical tape may be required in the presence of a hairy chest or at your discretion. The WatchPAT wrist watch should be tightened to a reasonable degree. 

Avoid before test

To-do before test

Caffeine, Alcohol, Marijuana

Wear comfortable bed wear

Sleep Aids unless discussed beforehand

Take regular medications

Take a daytime nap

Calm bed-time routine

Screen time 30 minutes prior to bed

Remove Wifi/BlueTooth devices if monitor uses bluetooth to transmit data

Any potential sleep disturbances; turn phone to silent, sleep alone, 

Arrange to sleep alone

Improper application 

Bring device with you to the bathroom

Avoid Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Plug phone in

Keep device within 15 feet at all times

Clarify any questions before your test

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