After a night of rest are you still waking up tired? Have you ever been told you snore, gasp or choke while you sleep? If you are having symptoms or suspect you may have sleep apnea it is important to get tested. Rather than waiting for an in-lab sleep study, a convenient way to get tested is with an at-Home Sleep Apnea Test (HSAT).
What Is a Home Sleep Test (HSAT)?
Like the name suggests, Home Sleep Apnea Tests (HSAT) are medical testing devices used to detect sleep apnea in the comfort of your own home. Unlike traditional sleep studies performed in a laboratory setting, there is no need to leave your house. With as many as 80% of cases going undiagnosed, HSAT’s provide a convenient and efficient way to expedite the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea, all while maintaining the accuracy of a traditional in-lab sleep study. If proper operating procedures are followed, home sleep apnea tests are up to 87% as effective at diagnosing sleep apnea as in-laboratory testing.
There are many HSAT’s available for purchase and each vary in their application and diagnostic abilities. It is important to choose a sleep clinic who provides a test that is easy to apply, able to differentiate between obstructive and central sleep apnea and able to provide follow-up care to your individual needs.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Sleep Clinic
Each clinic will have a different operating process and offer varying services. It is important to know the procedure and services included in your purchase so you can understand what to expect throughout your journey to a better sleep.
- Is the device accurate and able to detect central and obstructive sleep apnea?
- How will your sleep clinic supply your home sleep test?
- How will your clinic communicate with you?
- Is the device easy to apply and operate?
- Do I need to return the device or can it be disposed of?
- How will I be provided with my results?
- Does your clinic provide test follow-up services such as test clarity and treatment services?
How Does a Home Sleep Test Work?
A doctor referral is not necessary for most at-home sleep studies, allowing you to explore your health concerns at your own curiosity. With this being said, a formal medical history is still necessary as it plays a crucial role when providing treatment recommendations. For this reason, an intake questionnaire is completed prior to your study.
At the time of testing, equipment and instructions will be supplied to you. Carefully read instructions and ask for assistance if necessary. When confident, apply the device as per operating procedure and wear the device overnight while you sleep. In the morning, follow the instructions to end the test and return or dispose of it as directed. The test data is now with the clinic for doctor interpretation.
After your at-home study is complete, a detailed report will be reviewed by the clinic's healthcare team to ensure valid data has been received. A polysomnographist may need to compile the data before sending it to the sleep specialist for interpretation. Usually a respirologist, or another medical doctor who is trained in sleep medicine, will interpret the sleep data and provide a diagnosis and treatment recommendations if applicable. Depending on the clinic you choose, Respiratory Therapists or Nurses alike, may offer to provide clarity on your results, breaking down your values and answer any questions you may have, so you understand the significance of your test results. Sleep apnea education is essential when it comes to therapy compliance and should be included in your care. Your sleep report includes several key values that are important to understand, such as your AHI, ODI, RDI, NADIR oxygenation and more. Individual values as well as how these metrics interact, give us a picture of your sleep health.
If applicable, therapy recommendations will be a part of your interpretation. Common therapy options for confirmed sleep apnea after completing a home sleep test include positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy, mandibular advancement therapy, weight reduction, and positional therapy. Your questions surrounding these treatments are valid and should be answered. Each treatment is unique and can be explored by the individual if they wish.
Equipment Used in HSAT
Home Sleep Tests are designed to be applied by the user without assistance. Around the time of your purchase, instructions will be supplied to you by your provider and will outline proper testing procedure.
During your test, you can expect to wear:
- Finger probe to monitor your oxygen saturation and heart rate
- Chest sensor to detect chest motion
- Small built-in microphone will capture snoring statistics and,
- Airflow sensors will sometimes be placed in the nostrils to further differentiate between events.
- Some HSAT’s like the WatchPAT ONE have proprietary technology that monitors peripheral artery tone to capture sleep stages and body position.
It is important to follow proper operating instructions to ensure a valid test. If there is any transmission interruption or improper application, your clinic will notify you if a repeat test is necessary. If you need any clarification prior to your test, reach out to your provider for assistance.
In order to start positive pressure therapy, a prescription will need to be obtained. Depending on your clinic, they may offer prescription services via virtual consultation or be able to provide assistance in obtaining this prescription by collaborating with your family doctor. Either way, a prescription is necessary to initiate PAP therapy.
At this point, you can start treating your sleep apnea!